Solicitors Firm

Should Rioters be Locked Up?

Should Rioters be locked up?

Tuesday 16th August 2011

Magistrates across England have been told by the Government that those involved in the recent riots CAN be given tougher sentences than usual.

The courts have now been given permission to ignore current guidelines, meaning the rioters and looters of last week will be given more severe penalties than if they had committed the same crime at a different time. However; the extent of public disgust at the behaviour of the rioters has pushed the Government and the Courts to move quickly to re-establish confidence in the legal system by seeking to show that rioters will be punished for their conduct.

The new guidance for tougher penalties was issued amid growing concerns that courts were being too soft on offenders.

Last week Prime Minister David Cameron told the House of Commons that anyone involved in violent disorder should expect to go to prison.

Do you agree with locking up the looters? How would you deal with the rioters? Should ALL criminals get tougher sentences? Tell us what you think using the comment section below.