High profile criminal cases defended by Cyrus Mansouri

The following are a selection of high profile criminal defence cases I have defended over the course of the past 34 years. I now specialise only in private client work with an emphasis on complex financial crimes including money laundering, cash forfeitures including HMRC & National Crime Agency, account seizures & defending clients who seek the very best criminal defence that money can buy.

Complex criminal prosecutions require time & attention to detail. I leave nothing to chance.

  • R v. Safi and 12 others – Stansted Hijakers
  • R v. Avazi & others, [2007] EWCA Crim 3443 involving major high profile drug importation and conspiracy case involving over 150 kilo of class ‘A’ drugs, the first ever prosecution of it’s kind by the Serious Organised Crime Agency – SOCA (reported)
  • A £1m cash forfeiture brought by the National Crime Agency against a Kuwaiti businessman in London
  • A £3m account forfeiture brought by HMRC against a foreign exchange bureau in England
  • R v. Harati & others involving conspiracy to import 50 kilo of class ‘A’ opiate drugs
  • R v. Hayati involving 5 kilos of class ‘A’ drugs
  • R v. Molaei involving conspiracy to import 4.99 kilos of class ‘A’ drugs
  • R v. May & 2 others, drug trafficking, GBH, kidnapping and blackmail and torture (reported)
  • R v.Cufi & 5 others – Operation Flatpack, being the largest ever car theft ring in British history involving over 30,000 stolen prestige cars shipped off to West Africa, as outlined in the Panorama documentary ‘Operation Flatpack’, everybody was convicted except of course Dr Mansouri’s client, which is why we pride ourselves on ‘Delivering Results through Excellence’
  • R v. Zudys & 5 others: Lithuanian organised kidnapping and blackmail case (reported)
  • R v. Bakus & Rasinskaus & 3 others – involving conspiracy to import over £14 Million of counterfeit Bensons & Hedges cigarettes and Contraventions on Customs & Excise Duties – Dr Mansouri’s clients both walked out of court with resounding ‘not guilty’ verdicts from the jury whilst the other defendants started their very long prison sentences – which is again why we are very proud of consistently ‘Delivering Results through Excellence’
  • R v. Tomas & Kerim – high profile people smuggling case and conspiracy to murder involving international phone tapping and Dutch police alleging trafficking of 30,000 illegal immigrants into Europe, despite our clients spending 12 months on remand, they both walked out of court, acquitted and cleared of all charges, hence; ‘Delivering Results through Excellence’
  • R v. Grigoryan & 7 others, a complex and detailed 9 week kidnapping, rape and blackmail trial (reported)
  • Harrow Trading Standards v. Manly-Spain where the prosecution were laughed out of court by a devastating and confounding defence team led by Dr Mansouri and substantial costs were awarded to our client, again ‘Delivering Results through Excellence’
  • R v. K – high profile child pornography case (televised)
  • R v. W* – high profile child pornography case
  • R v. Maximenkov – rape between married partners, a resounding acquittal for our very happy client, again; ‘Delivering Results through Excellence’
  • R v. May & others: GBH with intent – the famous axe in the head case, all our clients were acquitted hence; Delivering Results through Excellence’
  • R v. Ramos & 11 others – gangland murder
  • R v. Mene & 4 others – £900,000 complex bank fraud case with a sweeping international aspect involving Hong Kong, Nigeria and the USA
  • R v. Saunders – gangland murder
  • R v. G & G (juvenile twins): murder – high profile national murder case (televised and heavily publicised, not least because the defence was successful in having the case thrown out of court due to a hopeless prosecution case) ‘Delivering Results through Excellence’
  • R v. C – large scale production of illegal pornography
  • R v. Lamptey – armed robbery by a juvenile and yes, our client strolled out of court after a devastating defence

For complex Criminal Defence disputes, you want a lawyer who will fight your corner and make sure you are protected. Call us on 020 8401 7352 or Contact Us or email us at info@solicitorsfirm.com for guidance and advice relating to your particular circumstances or, to book an appointment.

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