Immigration Solicitors Firm

شرایط ویزای همسر انگلستان

به منظور واجد شرایط بودن برای ویزای همسر انگلستان ، شما باید به اداره مهاجرت انگلستان ثابت کنید که شرایط زیر را دارا هستید: الزامات دقیق شما به منظور واجد شرایط بودن برای ویزای همسر انگلستان ممکن است بسته به شرایط شخصی شما متفاوت باشد. بهتر است با یک وکیل مهاجرت برای مشاوره تخصصی صحبت […]

Solicitors Firm

Home Office income threshold for Spouse visa reduced

Last week the Home Office announced that the minimum earning threshold for spouse visas was going to increase from the current level of £18,600 to a whopping £38,700. Today, in a major rethink and backtrack the Home Office has announced that they will not increase the threshold to £38,700 but that it will be increased […]

Immigration Solicitors Firm

Closure of Tier 1 (Investor) to new initial applications

Closure of Tier 1 (Investor) visa to new initial applications from 17 February 2022

Asylum Solicitors Firm

Rwanda asylum policy is consistent with refugee convention says High Court

Plans to send illegal entrant asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda where their asylum applications can be considered were yesterday ruled as lawful by the High Court

Solicitors Firm

Arrest Detention and Ill Treatment of Lawyers in Iran condemned by Law Society

Arrest Detention and Ill Treatment of Lawyers in Iran condemned by Law Society