PACE calls for further action to address the Syrian refugee crisis The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) has published Resolution 1902 (2012) on the European Response to the Humanitarian Crisis in Syria. The resolution affirms that the situation is becoming more and more critical every day, with 294,005 people already having sought refuge outside of the […]
Category: Immigration
UK government criticised for failing to protect the most vulnerable children A report published this week by the UK Commons Select Education Committee has criticised the level of protection afforded to the UK’s most vulnerable children. The sections of the report dealing with trafficked children and refugee and asylum seeking children are where some of the strongest criticism emerges. […]
UKBA Asylum Backlog Cases Out of Control The number of outstanding immigration and asylum cases rose by 25,000 in three months and is “spiralling out of control”, making the total caseload the equivalent of the population of Iceland, said Keith Vaz, Chairman of the Home Affairs Committee, today. More than 300,000 cases needed to be […]
Amnesty International Launches the When You Don’t Exist Campaign Carmen Dupont, Coordinator of Amnesty International’s campaign When you don´t exist says: “Fences and ditches won’t stop people from moving, they will only mean more people will die trying” Amnesty International’s ‘When you don’t exist’ campaign focuses on holding European governments to account for their […]
Rights organisations call on Israel to respect its legal obligations to refugees and to halt summary expulsions at the border Human Rights Watch (HRW), along with the Hotline for Migrant Workers and Physicians for Human Rights, has published a report urging Israel to abide by its obligations and halt its abusive practices towards asylum seekers. Since June 2012 the Israel Defense […]