Divorce Divorce Grounds Solicitors Firm

Expat Divorces in England

Although most divorces are reasonably straightforward matters, we regularly deal with the complexities that can arise. One issue which can complicate a divorce in England & Wales is where one or both of the parties to the marriage live abroad. These are often called Expat Divorce cases. A divorce in England & Wales would qualify […]

Divorce Divorce Grounds Solicitors Firm

Divorce and Consent Orders

What is a consent order? Marriage creates financial obligations towards one another. These obligations don’t end just because you get a divorce. A divorce only ends the marriage contract. It doesn’t deal with finances or splitting assets. The finances following divorce are a separate matter and these are called Financial Remedy proceedings. Many Financial Remedy […]

Divorce Divorce Grounds

Divorce and Talaq

We are one of the top divorce and family law firms dealing almost exclusively with complex, high value cases, often with an International dimension. We specialise in complicated cases which can include hidden assets, Sharia Mehr & Dowry contracts, overseas properties & companies and aggressive & savvy partners. We have a significant background of representing […]

Divorce Divorce Grounds Solicitors Firm

Divorce Costs

Quickie Divorces – Cheap Divorces and Divorce Costs Naturally when starting a divorce, one of the big considerations that will weigh on your mind is the likely costs of the proposed divorce, both in terms of legal fees as well as the financial aspects of the divorce and separation. Divorce can be a costly procedure […]

Divorce Injunctions Solicitors Firm

Occupation Orders | Croydon Solicitors

Often emergencies arise in Family Law matters which require urgent and immediate steps being taken to protect our client by way of an emergency ex-parte injunction. Injunction situations can arise 24 hours a day and in most cases we aim to have the matter brought to the attention of an emergency Judge within hours of […]