2011 is the 60th anniversary of the UN Refugee Convention, the international treaty which guarantees refugees’ rights. The Refugee Convention has saved countless lives and no country has ever withdrawn from it. 2011 also marks 60 years of the Refugee Council and despite the challenges it is facing, it will be celebrating this anniversary in style. […]
What Can I Do To Be Safe from Domestic Violence? If you are considering leaving a violent relationship, you will be concerned about what will happen once you leave and what steps you can take to protect yourself afterwards. You will probably be concerned about what the other party may try to do to retaliate […]
Former Children’s Commissioner challenges government’s claim that it ending the detention of children The former Children’s Commissioner, Sir Al Aynsley-Green, has criticised the new arrangements the coalition government is putting in place to enforce the removal of migrant families containing children. In an annoucement made by the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, on 11 January, […]
Immigration Bail Hearings The Campaign to Close Campsfield has published a report on immigration bail hearings based on observations made at 115 court proceedings during the period December 2009 and July 2010. It notes that having legal representation at these hearings significantly improves the chance of bail being granted. Amongst the hearings observed, 75 had lawyers arguing […]
You can view and download the Full Statement of Policy of changes to the Points Based System of UK Immigration from the link below. These changes come into effect from 6 April 2011 and were announced on 16 March 2011 by the Immigration Minister, Damian Green: Statement of Policy – Changes to Tier 1 […]