The new Points Based (PBS) immigration system is now based on a set of unverified and draconian principals dependent almost entirely on the applicants ability to tick and fit into boxes designed by auditors and political policy makers with hardly, if any, consideration given to the law, the rights of individuals or fairness.
Author: Cyrus Mansouri
31 July 2009 If you applied for a certificate of approval for marriage or civil partnership between 2005 and 2009, you may be eligible for the repayment of the fee you paid. To be eligible, you need to show that paying the fee caused you real financial hardship at the time of payment. You should […]
25 November 2009 From 30 November 2009, the UK Border Agency is introducing fingerprint checks at the border for passengers with biometric UK visas, entry clearances and identity cards for foreign nationals (ICFNs). On arrival in the United Kingdom, these passengers will have their fingerprints scanned at border control in addition to the normal checks. […]
10 January 2010 The Association of Professional Staffing Companies a special interest group claims that the Tier 2 (Intra company transfer) visa category of the points-based system has resulted in Indian IT companies bringing in lower paid overseas workers to the UK. The Government has stated that all employers have to pay the “Going Rate” […]
10 January 2010 From 6 January 2010 all those extending their stay under the Tier 2 visa including dependents will need to apply for an identity card. In November 2008 the UK Border Agency started issuing compulsory identity cards for a number of non European Union nationals applying to extend their stay in the UK. […]