Non-Molestation Orders Domestic Violence & Ex-Parte Non-Molestation Injunction Applications Often emergencies arise in Family Law matters which require urgent and immediate steps being taken to protect our client by way of an emergency ex-parte injunction. Injunction situations can arise 24 hours a day and in most cases we aim to have the matter brought to […]
Author: Cyrus Mansouri
Divorce Solicitors London
Divorce Divorce procedure and how to get started Divorce can be due to many reasons and is often very emotionally challenging. Mansouri & Son have the expertise and experience to help relieve some of the pressures and complexities of the divorce procedure; leaving you with much needed peace of mind to start to reconstruct your […]
What is domestic violence? Domestic violence in English law can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviour by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family or cohabitation. Domestic violence has many forms including physical aggression such as hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects, or threats of […]
The Divorce Process
The Divorce Process For a detailed analysis of the Divorce Process in England & Wales see our four part overview, below: Part I: For details of how to Petition for a Divorce, see here Part II: For details of the Acknowledgement of Service Form and Serving the Divorce Petition, see here Part III: Obtaining the […]
Grounds for Divorce and Facts The main legislation covering divorce law in England & Wales is the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, as amended. In order that we can submit a Divorce Petition for you, you must first establish that you have ‘grounds‘ for a divorce. English law only recognises one ‘ground‘ for divorce. This requires […]