This is the second part in a four part review of the Divorce Process entitled The Acknowledgement of Service.

This is the second part in a four part review of the Divorce Process entitled The Acknowledgement of Service.
The first step in a divorce suit is the filing of the divorce petition. This is by the Petitioner. The Petitioner in a divorce can be either the husband or the wife. The divorce petition requires that the grounds for the divorce to also be stated in the petition.
People submitting applications to the UK Border Agency and the Home Office for immigration related matters are under a duty to disclose on their application forms any unspent convictions. However; most people don’t really know what an unspent conviction is and this causes no end of problems with applications, often resulting in refusal of the […]
What is Ancillary Relief or Financial Remedy? Once a Petition for divorce has been filed at court, either one of the parties to the marriage can apply to the same court in relation to the financial aspects of the divorce. An application relating to the division of the finances of the divorce called Financial Remedy […]
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