Consent Orders Financial Remedy Proceedings

Financial Remedy cases to be opened to media

Financial Remedy cases to be opened to media from 29 January 2024

Immigration Solicitors Firm

Closure of Tier 1 (Investor) to new initial applications

Closure of Tier 1 (Investor) visa to new initial applications from 17 February 2022


Sunak wants immigration reforms to end “spurious” appeals

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently announced plans to end “spurious” asylum claims and appeals to delay deportations.

Asylum Solicitors Firm

Rwanda asylum policy is consistent with refugee convention says High Court

Plans to send illegal entrant asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda where their asylum applications can be considered were yesterday ruled as lawful by the High Court

Asylum Immigration Immigration Appeals Visitor Visas

Judicial Review of Home Office UKVI Delays in Deciding Visa & Immigration Applications

Judicial review is a matter of last resort following on from the Pre Action Protocol Letter; it is important to note that judicial review is often an expensive, complicated and time-consuming process that involves challenging the Home Office’s delay before a judge